June: Torture Awareness Month
The month of June in a presidential election year presents a specifically political opportunity to help end U.S. torture: No Torture. No Exceptions. is an initiative to get both political parties to adopt comprehensive no-torture provisions as part of their platforms at this year's national conventions. The admirable Scott Horton is involved in the effort, and in my opinion makes a more effective case for it than its originators. (Whoever they are; I've guest-posted about that and my other reservations at A Tiny Revolution.)
Torture is a moral issue. Torture is wrong. These are the fundamental truths about this grave crime against humanity, no matter what other kinds of arguments have to be employed in the compromised political arena. The National Religious Coalition Against Torture and Rabbis for Human Rights are partnering to spread this message by way of banners in every state, in as many communities as possible. Get a banner for your church, synagogue, mosque, school, business, organization, or home here.
Labels: torture
Stupid blogger comment: hey, that's great that you're guest posting a Tiny Revolution!
Quite agree about No Torture, No Exceptions as an idea, of course, and admit to similar puzzlement about who the heck they are. But Scott Horton's involvement means a lot.
Working myself up to a second post any day now, about the latest outrages coming out of the show trials at Guantanamo.
Might as well just call myself the Torture Lady...
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