Wednesday, August 30, 2006

About that silence

A little procrastination too easily becomes weeks of non-posting. Sorry about that.

I've been wrapped up in getting the local Democratic headquarters off the ground. Also, the global news is bleak enough that focusing on the short-term things I can affect feels like the sanity-preserving path.

So look for more frequent but probably shorter posts, and more about the Jim Webb v. George Allen campaign than about Israel v. Lebanon. But, before I leave the latter topic for a while: those bastards!



At 9:51 PM, August 30, 2006, Blogger Gary Farber said...

Which bastards?

At 1:59 AM, August 31, 2006, Blogger Nell said...

Both sets of bastards, but mainly the Israelis.

Is a blockade holding the entire Lebanese economy hostage for two military prisoners held by Hezbollah a "defensive" measure? How about the repeated violations of the cease fire?

If you see that as a completely appropriate, measured response (as contrasted with negotiating a prisoner exchange), it's going to be hard to find an area of agreement on which to build a discussion.

At 4:51 PM, September 02, 2006, Blogger Gary Farber said...

"Is a blockade holding the entire Lebanese economy hostage for two military prisoners held by Hezbollah a 'defensive' measure?"

The U.N. resolution obligates Lebanon and the UNiFIL to prevent missiles and weapons coming into Lebanon; that hasn't happened yet, so, yes, preventing that is absolutely a defensive measure, and one that the U.N. specifically commanded.

Ditto there's no cease-fire yet, until the resolution has been put into effect. That should surely be clear. The UN has obligated certain things to happen, and obviously they need to get done for the situation to be able to begin to improve. One hopes this happens ASAP. (The movement of the Lebanese Army into the south, and the withdrawal of various Israeli troops is at least a small start; one would hope the rest of it will be a matter of weeks, not months; I would hope, anyway.)

At 7:31 PM, September 02, 2006, Blogger Nell said...

preventing [missiles and weapons coming into Lebanon] is absolutely a defensive measure, and one that the U.N. specifically commanded.

And yet it's the U.N. specifically asking Israel to lift the blockade.

I see by Laura Rozen's blog that a negotiator has gone to Lebanon to start talks on prisoner releases, so let's hope that moves things forward.

there's no cease-fire yet

So credit the IDF with forbearance every moment they're not attacking? That's a remarkably technical view; most of the world thinks there's a cease-fire.

At 2:46 PM, September 06, 2006, Blogger Gary Farber said...

There ya go.


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